Comments on: How we reduced our cancellation rate by 87.5% http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshohow-we-reduced-our-cancellation-rate-by-87-5 Thu, 14 Dec 2017 05:08:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: 75 Instructive Design Case Studies | Design Guru http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshohow-we-reduced-our-cancellation-rate-by-87-5#comment-28730 Thu, 14 Dec 2017 05:08:49 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=1745#comment-28730 […] “How We Reduced Our Cancellation Rate by 87.5%,” Kareem Mayan Kareem Mayan tackles the issue of user cancellations by using a cohort analysis. Learn how he did it. […]

By: 75 Instructive Case Studies - This Is How We Built It – Smashing Magazine http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshohow-we-reduced-our-cancellation-rate-by-87-5#comment-25476 Mon, 24 Apr 2017 12:03:35 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=1745#comment-25476 […] “How We Reduced Our Cancellation Rate by 87.5%228,” Kareem Mayan Kareem Mayan tackles the issue of user cancellations by using a cohort analysis. Learn how he did it. […]

By: “This Is How We Built It” Case Studies (Part 2) http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshohow-we-reduced-our-cancellation-rate-by-87-5#comment-1793 Fri, 07 Mar 2014 09:49:49 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=1745#comment-1793 […] “How We Reduced Our Cancellation Rate by 87.5%,” Kareem Mayan Kareem Mayan tackles the issue of user cancellations by using a cohort analysis. Learn how he did it. […]

By: Viv Taylor » How we reduced our cancellation rate by 87.5% http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshohow-we-reduced-our-cancellation-rate-by-87-5#comment-314 Sun, 14 Jul 2013 14:07:07 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=1745#comment-314 […] I was stressing. We had seen 40% of our customers cancel, and it was eating me up inside…more + […]

By: Jojo http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshohow-we-reduced-our-cancellation-rate-by-87-5#comment-128 Wed, 13 Feb 2013 06:34:43 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=1745#comment-128 Hi Kareem,

I’m interested in your bootstrap cohort analysis pkg … When will you run the 50% off deal again?


By: kareem http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshohow-we-reduced-our-cancellation-rate-by-87-5#comment-55 Sat, 21 Jul 2012 01:15:15 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=1745#comment-55 yep it’s

By: mari http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshohow-we-reduced-our-cancellation-rate-by-87-5#comment-52 Tue, 10 Jul 2012 01:47:15 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=1745#comment-52 Do you have a twitter profile?

By: kareem http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshohow-we-reduced-our-cancellation-rate-by-87-5#comment-51 Wed, 04 Jul 2012 20:35:56 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=1745#comment-51 I may share in a future post Najam. Thanks for reading.

By: Management Improvement Blog Carnival #170 » Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshohow-we-reduced-our-cancellation-rate-by-87-5#comment-49 Mon, 25 Jun 2012 12:55:30 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=1745#comment-49 […] How we reduced our cancellation rate by 87.5% by Kareem Mayan – “Since implementing changes 1-3 two months ago, we’ve seen our cancellation rate drop from 40% to 5% – an 87.5% decrease. We’re going to run another cohort analysis in a couple months to isolate the impact of each change as it’s still too early to know the long-term impact of these changes” […]

By: Your Audience: To Lead or Listen? | Just Sherpas Blog http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshohow-we-reduced-our-cancellation-rate-by-87-5#comment-48 Sun, 24 Jun 2012 23:11:54 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=1745#comment-48 […] When determining why subscribers are canceling. (hat tip @joelgascoigne) var dd_offset_from_content = 60; var dd_top_offset_from_content = 0; Tags: journalism. /* […]
