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They filmed a commerical for Sportscenter on my floor today


Paul Konerko, Tim Hudson, the Florida Gator, Purdue Boilermaker, Ohio State Buckeye, and Wisconsin Badger mascots, along with a pole vaulter, three rodeo clowns, two NCAA football refs, a five-member band, an acrobat, and a sumo wrestler took over our floor this morning to film a commercial. A couple of my co-workers were also used as extras.

At the same time, Colin Powell was releasing his "evidence" of how Iraq was being uncooperative with the UN weapons inspectors.

There were about four people watching Powell, and about 50 watching the making of the commerical.

While it's not every day such craziness occurs in one's workplace, the juxtaposition was revealing.

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Hi, I'm Kareem Mayan. I co-founded eduFire, an online video tutoring company.

I've done time at ESPN and FIM.

I advise WorldBlu, helping them build democratic companies.

I moderated a council for Creative Good.

And, I helped bring Barcamp, a technology un-conference, to LA, which is where I live. I am now living and working in cool cities around the world.

More about me.

Opinions stated here are mine alone.

Contact: blog -at- reemer


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