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Blink : The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
by Malcolm Gladwell

I had been eagerly awaiting this title for some time now, and, it turns out, rightly so. In Blink, Gladwell (author of The Tipping Point) describes a two-second timespan in which many "gut" decisions are made and how those decisions are sometimes better than ones made after significant analysis of all available information.

Often, the presence of too much information means a decision maker will consider the wrong information to be more important than it is, which will lead to a false conclusion. Gladwell describes how limiting information in some situations may actually result in better decisions.

Gladwell is a great storyteller, and he uses examples from everyday life to make his points. I found Blink hard to put down, but then again I find the psychology that underlies behavior to be fascinating.

This book is applicable across many domains, but should be read by anybody who is responsible for designing a product's user experience. The content here about first impressions, decision making, and the tyranny of choice provide insight about how to make products more customer friendly. I highly recommended reading Blink.


Hi, I'm Kareem Mayan. I live in LA and Product Manage at FOX Interactive Media. Prior to that, I Technically Produced at I also helped bring Barcamp, a technology un-conference, to LA.

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